Yellowstone, Tetons & Poor Muscle Memory

Yellowstone, Tetons & Poor Muscle Memory

I often find myself either struggling with drafting and posting here or succumbing to the allure of easy-to-use platforms like Meta, Google, or X. Por que no los dos?

Either way, I’m back at it and determined to do much better here. And what better way to start than by sharing photos from an epic trip?

So, without further ado, here's the beginning of what will likely be a few weeks' worth of photos from our trip to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. When deciding where to start, I went back and forth but ultimately chose the most obvious: Old Faithful.

Let me know what you think, and I’ll keep posting new work!


Yellowstone, continued... Grand Prismatic & Mammoth Hot Springs

Yellowstone, continued... Grand Prismatic & Mammoth Hot Springs

